Saturday, April 18, 2009


Well, I have officially done everything I can to not be doing school work. I have hand washed clothes that needed to be, I have sorted and washed all of my other clothes, cleaned my room, cleaned the kitchen, cleaned the living room, perused facebook, my most read blogs, caught up on the news....and now I'm blogging. My roommate should watch out, her room might be my next chore. I don't know why, but for some reason I'm just not motivated to do school work anymore. I mean I have 5 official days left of class. And I have 4 full weeks left in Waco.

Then what you ask...good question. As of right now I have a pending interview with Banana Republic in Dallas and a pending internship with an Event Coordinator in Dallas. Now that my hectic week is over, I can actually catch back up with the people in charge of both of those and move them from pending to official :)

Other than school, I've just been busy with the usual, church, school, and meetings for school. I hope that you all are all doing well...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

woo lets live in dallas next year!