Tuesday, September 09, 2008


22 years old. I'm an adult. I go into the real world in May. Where did the days of playing house and pretending to be grown up go? Those days are all slowly becoming a reality now. I have done a lot and seen a lot in the short 22 years I have been around. I have done more than some can even imagine and I take it all for granted sometimes. I have been so blessed in my short life and I also take that for granted too.

Over the past year I have experienced things in life that I never have before, hurt like I never before, and regret things like never before. All of those things are in the past though and they are things to learn from, not dwell on. A phrase that I have kept very tight to me through everything over the past year is "Live, Love, Learn." To me I just need to live my life to the fullest everyday. I need to love all. And learn so much from the Lord and about life.

I am thankful for the friends I have been blessed with for the past 22 years. The friends from home and from college. I can't even put to words what my friends have meant to me. They have been there for words of encouragement and for the few tears I've shed and for heartbreak and of course for the best laughter ever. They can never know how much they mean to me.

The past 22 years have been amazing and I'm excited to see what the Lord has for me for the next 22 years.

Just another little blessing in my life:

1 comment:

Keelie said...

Very well said Bick. 22 years is a short time, if you think about it. And really you have done a lot, more than most people ever get to do in 60 years. I'm glad we are friends and I hope you are having fun being 22.