Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Something new

So, it's been a while since I updated my life. Not much has been going on, other than just the busy school stuff you know. Can you all believe it's October already!?! Because I can't, it's crazy that it's already this far into the semester.

I have a little update though for you all. I've been thinking about and wanting to help out with the children's ministry more at UBC. Our director is pregnant and she is due in about 8 weeks. So I've wanted to email her and try to help her with things so she has less stress. Well, I keep forgetting to email her.

So tonight I was in the drive-thru line at Starbucks and I get a phone call from our Community Pastor at UBC. He is talking about wanting Blueberry donuts, etc. from the Donut Stop then says he has an important question for me. He is talking about how Amanda (our children's director) is about to "retire" when she has Everett in a few weeks. So they are looking for an interim and they were wondering if I wanted to do it. All I could say was wow. It's something I've been thinking about a lot and it's just crazy that it all happened before I did anything.

Gosh it's so crazy. I'm pretty excited for this! Maybe not as excited as I am about us planning a roadtrip!

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